
you listen to a song so beautifully composed,
you look into the eyes of the one you love most dearly,
your breath is ripped away by natures beauty, 
you're stuck in a moment you wished lasted forever.
How did we deserve these worldly treasures?

There is a shadow at your heels, whispering in your ear. 
Why did that man do this to me? 
I will wander this space forever alone
Your worth is determined by how many boxes are checked off the beauty criteria 
You are forever labeled by your past mistakes
Your lips are for his pleasure and not for your voice

Such a precious experience the soul is granted to navigate this world. But we are not of this world, we are simply experiencing it. My belief is that we use this gift of life to enhance our spirit, but most importantly affect the wonderful souls all around us. We are all equal in the light of God. His light always at our reach, but if we believe in the light we must also recognize darkness. The negative and positive energies of the earth push and pull, changing fragments of our soul over time. Our souls ever changing, loving, and yet so fragile they chip away like glass.

My spirit encapsulated by my human form. As a child I imagine our world like an open field, empty but free. There is only me, the heat of the sun, and the wind on my face. I am my purest form. The years added up, and that's when they built the roads, the buildings, and the sidewalks. I navigate through the roads to get to my destinations… just like everybody else. Almost like a private civilization, there is a great wall surrounding our new home. I walk the sidewalk one foot in front of the other, mimicking the person in front of me. If I dare stray, they will all turn and stare - that negative energy no one cares for. I am content for a while with my new home, but that feeling has since passed. I stopped in the street to watch the world move past me. I dream of my old self. My effortless self, that form of me I actually knew. Now I am surrounded by walls that are my fears, buildings that are my judgment's, and sidewalks that are my insecurities. The soul I used to know, my own thoughts and my own ideas, everything tainted with with the judgment's of others. Who am I? I’ve lost myself trying to be the person that I am “supposed to be”. That task impossible because I am me. 

Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

